Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Dig Deep!

My daughter offered some very candid advice, “Busy .... Busy ..... Sometimes doin what you don't wanna ain't that bad at all!! Suck it up and dig deep ya might learn somethin' !! As I reflected upon my daughters’ statement I can better understand my need to write! Writing allows me to explore a variety of subjects and more importantly learn something valuable from those who actually comment on my writings. I am told that change is a simple leap of faith! I have "Come To The Edge" many times in my life. At times to dismay of others, it is why I will only allow a certain few to the front row seats of my life. I seek change not for fame, glory, or understanding by others; I embrace change because I must grow. I seek change because the journey is what life is about. What is most interesting regarding my writing, it is not something that I want to do, it is something that I am compelled to do. I am sure that there are many others who face the same dilemma. My hope is that many more individuals will “suck it up and dig deep” so that we all can “learn something.”

Monday, July 19, 2010

Eyes Open Wide Shut!

While on facebook today, I read a very interesting and powerful post by one of my former students: “There has been so much time effort spent finding problems pointing fingers but no time finding solutions making change. Complaints about Reagan, Bush, Clinton, HW Bush and now Obama and things don’t seem to be changing much just more finger-pointing I am starting to think society or "we the people" are the ones dropping the ball!” One of the comments on this post stated: “that is so true but I have 2 say Bush did mess up this country bad when he was in office.” On the surface the comment is accurate; however, I believe that the original post is worth more discussion. The crises facing this country did not occur with President Bush; rather these crises had its genesis in 1968. You do recall that two of our leaders were assassinated and a setting president decided not to seek reelection. We were presented with a new term to describe a group of voter, “the silent majority.” That August we witness the worst demonstration of police brutality in Lincoln Park as well as on the floor of the Democrat’s convention. During the period from 1969 - 1976 we saw a Vice President resign because of political corruption and President Resign under the cloud of “Watergate”. We elected a president who spoke of human rights and we saw the demise of his administration with the overthrow of the Shan of Iran. During the next 12 years we heard our president tell the Russian to tear down the wall that separated East and West Germany and the fall of the Soviet Union. Of course we had presidents who promise “no new taxes, read my lips.” Do you remember the “contract with America” and the election of the man from Arkansas? We watched as an election was stolen because votes in Florida were not counted or many people of color denied the right to vote. Yes my friends I believe that my former student is correct, “we the people are dropping the ball.” I will conclude with another quote from my student: If you want to rail against government takeover of land and high taxes then get the hell out of my public parks and stop complaining about the lack of public transportation to get you there."

Sunday, July 18, 2010

They Quote the Bible!

During a recent discussion, the subject of homosexuality and the homosexual lifestyle was the topic of the day. During this discussion the Bible was quoted as the source that condemned homosexuality and the homosexual lifestyle. I understand that Leviticus 18:22 clearly states it to be an abomination….end of debate. Well, as a blogger with less than 10 followers and who’s blogs rarely produce comments by the readers, I do need some advice regarding some other elements of God’s Laws and more importantly how to follow these laws.
(A) Leviticus 25:44 states that I may possess slaves, both male and female, provided they are purchased from neighboring nations. A friend of mine claims that this applies to Mexicans, but not Canadians.
(B) What if I would like to sell my daughter into slavery, as sanctioned in Exodus 21:7.

(C) I know that I am allowed no contact with a woman while she is in her period of menstrual uncleanliness - Lev.15: 19-24. The problem is how do I tell?
My dilemma is simple, Are these Laws of God or man’s interpretation of these laws? Now if these are God’s laws, who gave man the authority to change or alter these laws to fit the needs of society?