Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Dig Deep!

My daughter offered some very candid advice, “Busy .... Busy ..... Sometimes doin what you don't wanna ain't that bad at all!! Suck it up and dig deep ya might learn somethin' !! As I reflected upon my daughters’ statement I can better understand my need to write! Writing allows me to explore a variety of subjects and more importantly learn something valuable from those who actually comment on my writings. I am told that change is a simple leap of faith! I have "Come To The Edge" many times in my life. At times to dismay of others, it is why I will only allow a certain few to the front row seats of my life. I seek change not for fame, glory, or understanding by others; I embrace change because I must grow. I seek change because the journey is what life is about. What is most interesting regarding my writing, it is not something that I want to do, it is something that I am compelled to do. I am sure that there are many others who face the same dilemma. My hope is that many more individuals will “suck it up and dig deep” so that we all can “learn something.”


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