Sunday, July 11, 2010

You are not lost brother, just wake up!

I am of the opinion that every human being will face the uncertainty of their future. At the core of these moments of uncertainty is the human being’s need to project their beliefs on the nation’s leaders, to allow their minds to focus on things that they cannot control and to seek God through those emotional homiletic sermons that are emotionally designed. I am of the opinion when one is seeking closeness with God it is important to remember the words of Howard Thurman: “There is something in every one of you that waits and listen for the sound of genuine in yourself. It is the only true guide you will ever have. And if you cannot hear it, then you spend yours on the ends of strings that somebody else pulls.” Thus what is clear human beings are facing a war within the mind! Some will call this a battle between good versus evil or a battle between God and Satan. The spirit of your creator is inside of each of us. Many of you will question my conclusions at this point, however, consider the following events. The citizens of this country elected George Bush as President of the United States and in a matter of a few years we were fighting a war in Iraq. A quick study of history would have told each of us that if elected, President Bush would bring that country down. Remember, Saddam Hussein had attempted to assassinate President Bush father because of “The Gulf War.” What were the results? During the times of war, hatred becomes quite respectable, even though it has to masquerade often under the guise of patriotism. Saddam has died and in our country were are masquerading this hatred, it now open season on all who do not want someone “pulling their strings. Why did we select this man as President?
President Bush feed our conservative religious belief system. It seems that we forgot the 10 Commandments and we never considered what has been called the 11th Commandment, “love thy neighbor as thy self.” Notice how many of our citizens have disrespected President Obama by referring to our leader as “Obama.”
Karl Marx’s stated that “religion is the opium of the masses”, I would paraphrase this statement to say that ‘the masses media is the opium of the masses’. How can some people lose their minds because of Tiger Woods interactions with multiple women? Then we stand on this ‘mountain of morality’ and vilify an athlete that we put on the top of this mountain, he became the god for so many people. Lebron James, called the ‘chosen one’, by definition there will be problems. There can only be one ‘chosen one.’ I will conclude with another Howard Thurman statement: “Don’t ask what the needs. Ask what makes you come alive, and go do it. Because what the world needs, is people who have come alive.”


At July 11, 2010 at 10:32 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

John these past three or four blogs that you have posted is why I feel more people need to hear your voice. Everytime I read one there is always something that pricks my mind to think outside of the box more often instead of settling for the ordinary!Everyone expected President Obama to do some form of mircale cleaning up the mess that both the Bush father and son Presiency created over the past 16 yrs. I feel that the "love thy neighbor as thy self" command is hard for many because most people can't stand themselves and really don't know how to love themselves or anyone else. Society has been bread over many years to have disdain or hatred for anything or anyone that don't do or look like they feel the norm is.Society and the media put's all of these athletes on these pedastals yet waiting for them to do the smallests thing wrong so they can rip them apart.Until society realize that these athletes are human beings and are bound to make mistakes just as they have, the problem will persists.~MC


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