Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Want to go home or go to jail?

History tells us that the forefathers of all African Americans were brought here for the sole purpose of free labor. The question becomes what does a society do with that labor pool when their talents are no longer useful to that society? A secondary question must address this sociological phenomenon called the “melting pot.”
Malcolm X stated it best when he said; “you’re not to be so blind with patriotism that you can’t face reality. Wrong is wrong, no matter who does it or says it.” Consider these revealing statistics; the racial composition of the US prison and jail population as of 2008 was 33.44% White American (non-Hispanic), 40.21% African American (non-Hispanic), 20.29% Hispanic, and 6.06% Other (American Indian, Alaska Native, Asian American, Native Hawaiian, Pacific Islander American, and Multiracial American. Pause for a moment and reread these statistics. What does this say about American society? Many readers will conclude that everyone in American prison deserved to be there. To some degree you are correct, however, when these statistics are viewed from the frame work of the failed “melting pot” phenomenon, then wrong is wrong. To this writer it time for African Americans to control over our own destiny. Why are our leaders asleep at the wheel? Lao Tzu characterized it this way; “an ant on the move does more than a dozing ox.” Is it not strange that during the past 42 years an ever increasing number of our ministers have fostered a Christian philosophy of passively waiting on the return of Jesus? What we need are some ‘ants on the move’! Where is the next Fannie Lou Hammer? Where is the next Martin King? Where are our ‘drum majors?
P.S. Thank you Eric for becoming a follower of this blog.


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