Thursday, December 10, 2009

Stop kicking the can down the road!

The holiday season is oftentimes difficult for many of the families in our society for a variety of reasons. It is my belief that the holiday season may create a tremendous amount of difficulty and for our children. As a youth I often found myself searching for the reasons for so much disparity and poverty in our society. Recently, I reviewed the lyrics to one of my favorite songs; When You’ve Been Blessed, “in a world of superheroes…in a world of weak and strong. In a sea of haves and have not’s, I’ve survived the raging storm”. During the past weeks we have been bombard with the failures of some men, the failures of some women, the senseless killings of children by children and an economy that seems consume our daily earnings like an endless black hole. Many in our society have banned together in what are called tea parties to exert some form of change in the political landscape. There are others in our society who have banned together in groups that support their marriages and relationships. And there are others who have come together in churches throughout our country in an effort to live a more moral and religious life. Of course there are so many individuals who find that they are spending time, at what I believe to be true reflecting on their pass failures or lack of accomplishments. Jim Rohn, a great motivational speaker stated often: “you can’t change your destination overnight, but you can change your direction overnight.” I believe that the aforementioned groups that individuals utilize to support themselves on this journey called life are valuable, regardless or perceived narrowness of focus or lack of inclusion. Perhaps many of you will consider formulating a group that provides support for parents and children who are attending school. There has to be an individual who understands the essentials of your local educational system; that could provide insight into parent/teacher conferences, class selection and possibly offer a different dimension into parent child communications that would serve to improve child’s academic experience and overall growth. I understand that many of you are uneasy about starting such a group because once you approach many of your friends they will state unequivocally that this idea will not work. Well on a personal note there many who said that I would not write a book and when I published the book, many said that it would not sell. When I started this blog there were those who actually said that I had too much time on my hand. Louie Muhammad, a former student, once stated; “failure is merely a door to new discoveries; study a baby who is learning to walk.” There are so many new discoveries for all parents….just learning to walk.
The lyricist concludes by stating: “it is a garden of music…it is a garden of love, and we are all his children sharing gifts from above.” President Obama once said that we are the leader that we have been looking for!
Final thought….check out some of my favorite blogs. and"


At December 12, 2009 at 1:10 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I totally agree with what you said. Many will focus on their past failures and fight for change but do not make that change in themselves. I know that is hard - I have faced many changes in my life - whether I wanted them or not and have learned that I can't always control what comes my way, but I can learn from it and think of it as a stepping block to what is yet to come. At our school, we have actually started incorporating more parent involvement by requiring parents to accompany their children to the event or their child will not be allowed to attend and while they are here, we have parent workshops for them and have plenty of books for them to take hoem and read to their child. We have also started a parent involvement group with one of the housing complexes in our school neighborhood and we meet 1-2 times a month. This has grown as well. We went from 3-4 families the first night to the last meeting - we had 46 families show up. We have another one next week and we will focus on singing holiday music as a family as well as the benefits of music for their child and their academics. I believe that you have to be the change you want to see in the world. If you don't, it'll never happen.

At December 12, 2009 at 4:37 PM , Blogger Cope said...

Thank you for your comments. It is a pleasure for me to see institutions creating these small groups to get the parents involved in the education of their children. I would be interested in how your efforts are growing. I would appreciate you sharing ideas so that others may start similar programs.

At December 13, 2009 at 11:21 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

This article in itself motivated me to keep focus and stay true to what is in my heart, and that is making a difference in today's young girls. In 2007, I started a girls program called Fresh Start, the program was very successful until I had a house fire in 08. I never lost my passion, but lost my focus. I have since began getting back on track to rebuild the program. My goal and purpose is to build a foundation for today's young girls to dream past what they see. As we look at our youth we can clearly see that there is trouble in paradise as it pertains to our youth. I hear so many people caution me about what I'm doing because they feel that it is a waste of time. I have learned that time being wasted is when you do nothing about a problem. When you believe, there is nothing that you cannot accomplish and be. Therefore, your book being publish and the books that have sold and will continue to sell is evidence that," all things are possible to those that believe". TDHardy

At December 14, 2009 at 10:08 AM , Blogger Cope said...

Tammie, thank you for your comments. A journey of a thousand miles begin with one step. Such is the case with your program FRESH START. Young people, especially in the era of mass communications, actually have more information but less opportunties to have meaningful discussion with those adults who have traveled on a similar road. You are the right person for this noble cause. As I have stated before, if you ever need me for some reason, just give me a call. My number office number is listed in my profile. Finally, please share this blog with your friends.~Cope

At December 17, 2009 at 7:22 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

We had a family of three kids out this week from school because their father was shot. Many of us are used to hearing this in our jobs that it didn't faze us as much as it should have. I took a step back and thought about how we all are immune to this and how we shouldn't let it be that. If we succumb to the activities in our students' daily lives - how are we helping them or even help their parents? If they don't know what opportunities are out there - outside of their neighborhood - then we aren't doing our jobs. If you told me 11 years ago when I started teaching at a middle school that I would feel this way when hearing a parent was shot, I wouldn't have believed you. Anazing how we even change as we change our students and parents lives.

At December 17, 2009 at 8:04 PM , Blogger Cope said...

Thank you for your comments. Since I do not know you name I will send you a special gift. The sharing is very important for our parents and community members. You are on a special journey!


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