Thursday, November 26, 2009

Flying with an Eagle!

The essence of learning is a willingness to reach out and open one's heart. Parents it not important that your child appreciate or understand the importance of an education...what is important that your child attain an education. As a parent make sure that your children are prepared for this lifetime journey. Oscar Wilde stated best: don't be discouraged if your children reject your advise. Years later they will offer it to their own offsprings.
Try these simple 7 steps.
  • All students are special.
  • We all must demand more.
  • There are no regular students.
  • All students must take rigorous and advanced courses.
  • All students must take algebra as early as possible.
  • All students require guidance in time management and test preparation to develop the study skills necessary for academic success.
  • The difference between good and great is nothing more than effort.



At November 26, 2009 at 6:03 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is so true

At November 28, 2009 at 7:50 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I totally agree. My own children are home schooled, and are very advanced for their ages. I plan to assist them all the way through to collage. For this very reason I made sure to complete my education, so that I could be the best teacher for them that I can be...

At November 28, 2009 at 8:19 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I really do agree with your 5th step. Alot of my friends in college that were from a another country had their education through the british system. They had advanged calculus classes at age 15 and graduated from high school by the time they were 16 years old on the average. My mother taught at Fern Bacon middle school and she taught her 7th and 8th graders sophmore(high school) english and that helped them alot. Especially those that went to burbank high school because they were already prepared for what they had already learned a few years before. I hate when I hear parents tell teachers that they are giving to much homework. To many parents try to be their childs friends and not realizing that there child is a vessel that is not in control of their own lives. Education defines how you are viewed in your society. Its what you do with that education that defines your own destiny.

- Gerald Richardson

At November 28, 2009 at 9:12 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I believe that parents need to have high expectations for their children. We cannot depend on schools to set the expectation. To quote a great man " We are the ones we have been waiting for, we are the change that we seek." We need to stop waiting for someone else to tell us what the mark of greatness is for our children and set it within our families and help them to reach the goal.

At November 29, 2009 at 12:02 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree with all of the steps. As an educator, I feel the need to professionally grow every year so I can learn more to help better serve my students. I have see teachers that have a stereotype student in mind and never give their students a chance to grow. Every child is unique and has strengths, weaknesses,and learning stylesjust like all of us adults do. As educators, we need to keep that in mind to make sure all of our students have what they need to be challenged and successful in our classrooms. But I also feel parents need to be more a part of their child's learning experience and have found when asking them to help, they are very willing to be a part, they just don't know how. We need to inform them and help them become a part of the learning experience.
All classes are important as well. As an elective educator, my class covers all subjects (math, reading, science, history, foreign language, PE and the arts). It is vtial to show how all subjects innertwine and how they apply to life.


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